1. Prepare Insight Masking
1.1. Start Insight Masking on EC2 instances
Start an EC2 instance with the following settings:
AMI: Select Insight Masking AMI at AWS Marketplace.
Instance type: 2 vCPUs or more, 8GB RAM or more (t3.large or higher is recommended.)
Storage: 50GB or more (Refer to the installation manual for more details.)
Required storage size depends on target data size and storage usage settings. In case Amazon S3 is used, additional storage is not required because only log files are stored in EC2.
Swap space: 2GB or more
In the Advanced details section, add the following commands to the user data:
#cloud-config swap: filename: /swapfile size: 2G maxsize: 2G
Security group: SSH (22), HTTP/HTTPS (80, 443)
Port 80 is used for the Web-UI.
For more details on SSL (443) use, refer to the setting manual from the Insight Masking Manager Web-UI.
http://<Insight Masking Manager IP address>/manual/index.html
2. Web-UI access
You can access the Insight Masking Manager Web-UI from the following URL:
http://<Insight Masking Manager IP address>/
Login view -
If you subscribe to Insight Masking with Bring-Your-Own-License (BYOL), you will be asked to enter the license for Insight Masking.
2.1. Create a user account
Access the Insight Masking Manager Web-UI.
Login with the administrator account’s E-mail address and password.
The E-mail address of the administrator is "admin@masking.com" and the password is your EC2 instance id. -
Select [User Management] on the left menu, and then the list of users is displayed. Click [ADD] on the right top of the screen.
On [Add User], enter a username and E-mail address and click [OK].
A temporary password is issued. Login again as the user account with the login info.
Refer to the setting manual for more user management details. |
3. Mask data in a CSV file on S3 buckets
This guide provides a step-by-step guide to mask a CSV file on Amazon S3 buckets.
Refer to the setting manual for further details. |
3.1. Prerequisite
3.1.1. Prepare S3 buckets for input data and masked data
Insight Masking can use two different S3 buckets for input data and masked data.
This guide uses the following buckets:
insight-masking-input : input data
insight-masking-output : masked data
3.1.2. Set bucket info on Insight Masking setting
To mask CSV/Fixed-length/Dump/Parquet files, set a source environment where the input data is stored and a target environment where the masked data is output.
Login to the Insight Masking Manager Web-UI with the administrator account.
The E-mail address of the administrator is "admin@masking.com" and the password is your EC2 instance id. -
Set the source environment.
Select [Settings] on the left menu. For the "Source" environment in FILE SHARING, select [Read data from S3 (Amazon Simple Storage Service)].
In [Bucket name], enter the Amazon S3 bucket name where the input data is stored.
In [S3 Data Sub-Path], enter the path of the folder on Amazon S3 where the input data is stored. (Usually the root directory "/".)
Set the target environment.
Select [Settings] on the left menu. For the "Target" environment in FILE SHARING, select [Write masked result to S3 (Amazon Simple Storage Service)].
In [Bucket name], enter the Amazon S3 bucket name where the masked data will be stored.
In [S3 Masked Sub-Path], enter the path of the folder on Amazon S3 where the masked data will be stored. (Usually the root directory "/".)
Click [GENERATE IAM POLICY] to download the IAM Policy JSON file.
3.1.3. Set an IAM policy Create an IAM Policy
Create an IAM policy to allow access to S3 buckets. The following JSON content is included in the downloaded JSON file:
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "ListObjectsInBucket", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "s3:ListBucket" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::insight-masking-input", "arn:aws:s3:::insight-masking-output" ] }, { "Sid": "AllObjectActions", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "s3:*Object", "Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::insight-masking-input/*", "arn:aws:s3:::insight-masking-output/*" ] } ] }
Open the IAM Management console.
Click [Policies] from the left menu and click [Create Policy].
Select the [JSON] tab, and paste the downloaded JSON contents.
Follow the screen to the next step and create the policy.
- Create an IAM role
Create an IAM role for the policy.
Open the IAM Management Console.
Select [Roles] on the left menu and click [Create role].
Select [EC2] from [Use case] and click [Next].
Select your created IAM policy from [Add permissions] and click [Next].
Set the role name and click [Create role].
- Assign the IAM role to the EC2 instance
Assign the IAM role to the Insight Masking Manager on the EC2 instance.
Open the EC2 Management Console.
Select [Instances] on the left menu.
Select the instance for Insight Masking Manager and click [Security] - [Modify IAM role] from [Actions].
Select your created IAM role and click [Update IAM role].
3.2. Apply S3 bucket info on Insight Masking Manager
Login to the Insight Masking Manager Web-UI with the administrator account.
Select [Settings] on the left menu and click [APPLY].
Connection to S3 buckets will be established. Sometimes, you need to retry. It shows a green check mark if it’s succeeded.
Connect to S3 buckets
3.3. Mask a CSV file on the S3 bucket
3.3.1. Put an input CSV file on the S3 bucket
Upload the plain data to be masked to the input S3 bucket.
3.3.2. Create mask config
Log in to the Insight Masking Manager Web-UI with a user account.
Click the [+] icon and Create a "Project" with the project name and comment.
Create a project -
On [Overview], select the [CSV] tab and click the [ADD] button.
Select a target file or a target folder in the S3 bucket.
Add CSV files -
Select [Tables] on the left menu and set the masking status "ENABLE" in the file list.
Enable masking for each file -
Select [COLUMNS] from [Actions].
Select all columns from the list and set the status "ENABLE".
Enable masking for each column-
The default algorithm is "Keep type" or "Keep digits".
The masking algorithm can be changed by selecting [EDIT] from [Actions].
Masking setting for a column
3.3.3. Mask the CSV file
Select [Export] on the left menu.
Save config
3.3.4. Confirm masked CSV file
Select [Report] on the left menu.
Confirm [Last Log] that shows the saved masking setting has been processed.
Confirm [Report Log] that shows the list of masking execution reports.
Click [VIEW REPORT] to display the report in a new tab.
Click [DOWNLOAD LOG] to download the masking execution Report.
The Last Log shows the process log of the masking
Masked CSV files are created in the output S3 bucket with the prefix "(project id)/".
"(project id)" can be found on [Overview].